Public Presentations
The titles of these presentations that constitute lectures, television interviews and fora are prefixed with the name Stanizai for the convenience of Internet search engine coordination like YouTube. To help the reader/viewer/listener, these presentations are listed here in three topical segments, in both the video and the audio sections and when necessary they have been cross-referenced with short preview descriptions to help your expectations unfurl in anticipation.

Conference on Global Modernities - May 3-4, 2013 California State University, Los Angeles
Conference Website:

Celebrating Rumi
Pacifica Institute
December 17, 2011
Part I - On Spirituality, Philosophy, and Belief Systems
How I Think Thee with my Heart
A lecture on Divine Perceptions Wafted Through Rhyme and Reason in the Sufi Lore addressing humanity’s wholeness through a deeper understanding of the heart, consciousness, and active imagination presented at the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association of Orange Country – at the Golden West College - January 16, 2016.
Implosions in the Middle East
Proceedings of a Panel on the Implosions of International Relations in the Middle East focused on the Syrian conflict convened by the Epoch Times at the IMAN Peace Center in Los Angeles on October 9th, 2016.
Muslim Voices Against Extremism
Does a Two-State Solution Suffice the Three Israels: Defining the Illusion of Identities
An analysis of the inherent contradictions between the historical claims, biblical promises, and political/ideological objectives that define the three Israels; defying the logic of survival for both Israelis and Palestinians
Reform in the Muslim World: Possibilities and Improbabilities
An analysis of how the paralysis of misplaced priorities defines Muslim societies that once progressed as an inclusive world civilization in spite of religion, but have now been held back because of religion
How Un-Islamic Is the Muslim World: The Divide Between Words and Deeds
An analysis of the widening rift between claim and compliance to Qur’an-based values in Muslim societies in the 21st century
Soul-searching in the Fractals of Being: A New Holistic Perspective on Connecting with the Metaphysical
This lecture presents the concept of fractals as an alternative to the concept of multiplicity in linking the physical with the metaphysical in an attempt to explain the phenomena of spirit and soul through an analysis connecting the commonalities between science and religion, philosophy and intuition, reason and revelation, and Math and Myth.
The Non-lingual Thought Process
A Public presentation on The pre-lingual and non-lingual thought process in human nature and the search for patterns of logical consistency in a comfort zone between commonality and uniqueness that oscillates between blending and distinction. Presented at the Unity and Diversity Council on March 15, 2015 at the IMAN Peace Center Libraryin Los Angeles
The Interface of Interfaith
The following discussion was the first broadcast of Voices of Justice and Peace that aired on March 15th, 2015 from Los Angeles.
Myth Is All Around Us Episode Four - Exploring the Other
Zaman Stanizai
Margaret Mendenhall
A PADNET Production
“When there is no one to turn to, turn your self to the Self”
is a public lecture delivered at the Afghan Health Initiative as an attempt to raise awareness among the socially frustrated Afghan youth in diaspora struggling to live by the expectations of others to learn how to fall back on the Divine within.
A Sunni - Shi'i Intrafaith Dialogue
with Dr. Hurmozi, Dr. Adam, and Dr. Stanizai
Recorded at the IMAN Peace Center
October 27, 2014
Perceptions of the Divine
Perceptions of the Divine in modern spiritual thought are presented from Jewish and Islamic perspectives in light of the perceived physical and meta-physical realities in the 21st century (in colla...
(This forum was presented in collaboration with Rabbi Jim Kaufman of Temple Beth Hillel).
The Hizmet Movement: Living an Exemplified Islam in the 21st Century
This interview was broadcast on Irmak television in Turkey with Turkish voiceover on Tuesday April 1, 2014 and is reposted here from the Irmak TV Archives.
Hizmet Hareketini Anlatiyor - Fikir Atlasi
This is the Turkish voiceover of The Hizmet Movement: Living an Exemplified Islam in the 21st Century from the Irmak TV Archives.
The Archetypal Adam With No Eve
This lectures addresses issues from human divinity to gender primacy and the intriguing shadows of the self in the context of the Narratives of Creation and that of The Garden of Eden. It is an attempt to clarify and emphasize the distinction between the Qur'anic Narratives and those of the Judeo-Christian traditions. The lecture was presented at the IMAN Peace Center in Los Angeles on Feburary 16th, 2014.
Due to time constraints I wasn’t able to elaborate on Adam’s androgyny. In the Narrative of Creation the androgyny of Adam implies having both masculine and feminine qualities as God created humanity from a single living entity—soul. Otherwise we cannot account for the feminine soul. Just as modern psychology tells us that both men and women have both masculine and feminine qualities in different proportions. This should not be confused with the male and female gender. The former refers to their psycho-spiritual nature whereas the later describes their physical difference. When with the splitting of Adam occurs in the Garden of Eden, a notion analogous to the splitting of first humans by Zeus in the Greek Mythology, the gender difference—a prerequisite for reproduction—manifests which is implied by their awareness of their nakedness.
An Archetypal Adam with No Eve is also the topic of the Mythosophia Series, Lecture 4, that can be heard in the Audio Section below.
Stanizai - An Archetypal Adam With No Eve
The significant difference between the Qur'anic Narratives of Creation and the Garden of Eden and those of the Judeo-Christian tradition
In the Shadow of Rumi
Unveiling a poetic perspective in a cross-cultural milieu presents a perspective on the relevance of Sufi self-actualization techniques in modern therapy, concentrating on the overlapping descriptives of ego and the nafs in Easter and Western thought. The presentation is followed by a discussion and debate on the subject by scholars and spiritual and healthcare professionals. Presented at the Creative Community at Venice Love Shack (Yoga Hall) on Sunday February 23, 2014.
In the Shadow of Rumi
'In the Shadow of Rumi: Unveiling a poetic perspective in a cross-cultural milieu' presents a perspective on the relevance of Sufi self-actualization techniques in modern therapy, concentrating on ...
Jahan and Zaman on Islamic Spiritual Tradition
An overview of Islamic spiritual tradition and mystical thought through the expression of Sufi poetry presented at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles - September 25, 2008.
For a thematically corresponding reading clink on Like A Rainbow.
Islam Between Conformity and Modernity
The topicconsiders the need for an Islamic reform in which Muslims define themselves through owning modernity and covers topics such as modernity, Westernization, regional marginalization, dominant culture, Islam and science, religious diversity, tolerance, systemic obsolescence, authentic hadith, Wahabism, cultural suppression, and self-imposed alienation among others.
Stanizai - Islam Between Conformity and Modernity
Recommending a reform in Muslim society in which Muslims define themselves through owning modernity.
Hidden Realities of Mi’raj, ‘Ascension’
is a modern perspective on the Prophet’s Ascension narrative through an analysis of the perception of the realms of reality. In that context, this talk addresses the metaphysical, the realms of reality, the human and the interactive divine, a brief review of Ascension literature, politicized perspectives, and thematic classification of the Qur’an.
Stanizai -- The Hidden Realities of Mi'raj, 'Ascension'
A modern perspective on the Prophet's Ascension narrative through an analysis of the perception of the realms of reality.
Stanizai -- Treasures of Islamic Mysticism
Poetic sampling of literary treasures in Islamic Mysticism. Unearthing the Literary Treasures of Islamic Mysticism is a poetic sampling of literary treasures in Islamic Mysticism that explains certain principles in Sufism covering such concepts as Spiritual Poetry, Islamic Mysticism, Rumi, Ibn Arabi, Hallaj, Hafiz, Baydil, Rahman Baba, and Islamic thought. The ideas and ideals of great Sufi thinkers are presented through their colorful of poetry beyond rhyme and reason as a lecture to the Academy of Islamic Thought in Los Angeles, California - December 11, 2011.
Part II -Historical Analysis
The Golden Age of Al-Andalus
This three-part presentation is an historical overview of Al-Andalus that discusses three dimensions of life in Muslim Spain: Part I: From Civilizational Glory to Theocratic Tyranny - Eight centuries of inclusivity and religious pluralism. Part II: Spain’s Culture of Coexistence in the Second Millennia - The cradle of flourishing arts and sciences through cultural convergence. Part III: When East was West – Islam’s Rising Peripheries - The compatibility of reason and revelation in the promotion of science, philosophy, and spiritualism.
Stanizai - The Golden Age of Al-Andalus -- Part I
From Civilizational Glory to Theocratic Tyranny -
Eight centuries of inclusivity and religious pluralism.
Stanizai - The Golden Age of Al-Andalus -- Part II
Spain’s Culture of Coexistence in the Second Millennia -
The cradle of flourishing arts and sciences through cultural convergence.
Stanizai - The Golden Age of Al-Andalus -- Part III
When East was West – Islam’s Rising Peripheries -
The compatibility of reason and revelation in the promotion of science, philosophy, and spiritualism.
Part III - Political Critique
Analysis of War, Politics, and Society
Objectivity in political analysis is a relativity that spins on the orbit of its own reality. Not just in what meaning is encoded in the syntax, but also in what is read into the written word. In addition, identifiable traits of an analyst’s identity such as name, gender, ethnicity, or ideology may further subject his/her objectivity to the reader’s inherent prejudices and projections. In the absence of such immunity, it is hoped that the application of scientific methodology would create a buffer against skewed and slanted perspectives.
In respect to analyzing the crisis of the polity and people of Afghanistan--the focus of most of these analyses--this is particularly critical where often a balanced perspective is lost between heightened tensions and lowered sensitivities to ethno-linguistic peculiarities. A writer’s identity is often read through dark lenses before his/her ideas are given the light of day to enter the realm of consideration and comprehension. Some of this is to be expected from a people whose political psyche is scarred by decades of military invasions, foreign occupations, ideological indoctrinations, ethnic cleansings and civil strife. We must strive then in adherence to an impartiality that is humanly possible and an objectivity that doesn’t water down the colors that paint on the canvas of human soul.
As a part of the tele-course International Politics - POL 335 several of the discussions in this section present periodic interviews with Professor Hamoud Salhi, Associate Dean of the Department of Political Science at California State University, Dominguez Hills, analyzing current issues in the Muslim world, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.
International Politics: POL335 Session 01 - Spring 2013
An interview with Professor Hamoud Salhi on U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: A California State University Dominguez Hills tele-course in International Politics.
International Politics: POL335 Session 02 - Spring 2012
The following is an analysis of the crisis in Afghanistan. This segment was televised on January 17th, 2012 on the California State University, Dominguez Hills televised course.
International Politics: POL335 Session 13 - Spring 2011
An interview with Professor Hamoud Salhi on U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: A California State University Dominguez Hills tele-course in International Politics.
International Politics: POL335 Session 02 - Spring 2011
An analysis of the crisis in Afghanistan with Hamoud Salhi can be viewed on the California State University, Dominguez Hills televised course.
Robbing the Arab Spring of Political Legitimacy
The latest wave of technological advancement raised hopes that the Arab street would finally be able to bypass the dictates of the un-authoritative and venture into the open spaces of popular democracy. The expectation was that popular networking media would empower the disenfranchised enabling the grassroots to evolve into a viable democratic system.
When the rumbling roar of revolutions signaled a region-wide power-shift, the West declared Arab dictatorships too indispensible to fail. The ‘holy cow’ of democracy was gored by the empire that struck back with vengeance rendering the revolutions irrelevant and their legitimacy heisted. The revolutions of the Arab Spring were derailed to guarantee the re-establishment of guarantors of Western ‘interests’ and to prevent any popular indigenous movement from gaining power on their own terms lest through them Islamic movements gain ideological traction and legitimacy. Thus, the Arab revolutions, if they succeeded at all, are re-cloaked status quo ante defined by their 360-degree turns.
The unfolding of events show that the birthing pains have not delivered healthy and functioning democracies as Western ‘interests’ have trumped the interests of the people who are willing to die for a meaningful change. Genuine efforts to attain political modernity in the Arab world have been put on hold for now with their prospects mired in the inevitably of political instability, ethno-sectarian tensions, stalled democratic reforms, and a breakdown in constructive political discourse. In due course, the pundits, without reading the pulse of the Muslim society or listening to the thumping of its heartbeat, will conveniently blame these miseries on the incompatibility of Islam and democracy and/or Muslims and modernity.
Robbing the Arab Spring of Political Legitimacy
How foreign intervention turned a legitimate Syrian protest into a regional and global ideological entangled tug-of-war. This is a presentation at California State University, Los Angeles.
Audio Presentations
In this section you can listen to several of the public presentations on the stage or from behind studio microphones. Some of the audio presentations have corresponding video presentations, albeit on a different stage to a different audience. Some of the presentations also have a PDF slide show that may be accessed. For all the presentations simply click on the play button.
Part I - On Spirituality and Belief Systems
Mythosophia – 4 – Mythology of Eden with Zaman Stanizai
This is the recording of a live broadcast of a radio interview with Will Linn and Richard Dugan conducted in April 2014 in Santa Barbara, California as part of the Mythosophia Series of Lectures and Presentations.
To listen to the interview click on the Learn More button below and in the Audio page click on the play button under Mythosophia - 4 - Mythology of Eden, with Zaman Stanizai.
Sufism: An Overview of Islamic Mysticism
This lecture was presented and recorded live at the Islamic Center of Southern California on January 16, 2011.
Like A Rainbow
The following is a literary piece presented as a lecture on Sufism presented at the Skirball Center in Los Angeles, California on September 25, 2008 in celebration of Islamic spirituality through music and literature. Jahan Stanizai's introduction to Islamic Spiritual Tradition precedes the presentation by Zaman Stanizai.
Islam and Science: Debunking the Myth of Incompatibility
This lecture was presented and recorded live at the Islamic Center of Southern California on October 24, 2010.
Can We Know God: A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding
This lecture was presented and recorded live at the Islamic Center of Southern California on November 20, 2011.
Part II - Historical Analysis
Islam Between Conformity and Modernity
Dr. Zaman Stanizai and Dr Nayyer Ali Moderated by Dr Mahmoud Abdelbasset
This debate was held and recorded live at The Islamic Center of Southern California on September 30, 2012 (To view the slides of this debate click on the pdf icon)
Stanizai 120930.mp3
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Islam Between Conformity and Modernity.pdf Size : 1169.933 Kb Type : pdf |
Identifying with Layers of Islamic Identities
This lecture was presented and recorded live at The Islamic Center of Southern California on April 22, 2012. (To view slides of this lecture click on the link next to the pdf icon)
For the Fatwa of the Mufti of Khartoum, Sudan I am indebted to Jalaledin Ebrahim, a great Islamic scholar in his own right.
Stanizai Identifying with Layers of Islamic Identity (4-22-12).mp3
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Identifying with Layers of Islamic Identity.pdf Size : 2048.914 Kb Type : pdf |
Revisiting Pivotal Junctures in Islamic History
This lecture was presented and recorded live at the Islamic Center of Southern California on November 7, 2010.
Crisis of Critical Thought in Muslim Societies: The Bidding of Bid’a
This lecture was presented and recorded live at the Islamic Center of Southern California on November 13, 2011. (To read the lecture notes click here.)
Part III - Political Critique
Afghanistan: An Update
An election under occupation doesn't a democracy make. Whatever its worth and however questionable its legitimacy, here is an analysis of the 2008 Afghan election between Dr. Zaman Stanizai and Dr. Nake Kamrany on radio KPFK in Los Angeles.
Afghanistan: An Assessment
This is an assessment of the lingering occupations in Afghanistan and how the socio-political dynamics affect the lives of the 99% Afghans.
Egypt in Crisis
An analysis of the political crisis in Egypt is discussed with SWANA Region Radio (KPFK) - March 13, 2013 - Los Angeles, California.
Stanizai KPFK 130313.mp3
Videos of the public presentations, lectures, and TV interviews posted on,, and Zaman Stanizai Facebook are also posted on YouTube. Following are the viewing statistics as of August 25,2020.

Following are the viewing statistics as of January 1, 2016: Total minutes watched: 152,229; total views: 12,773; total videos: 67; total countries: 97. The top-twelve most viewing countries ranked by YouTube are as follows: